So fill me up buttercup
So fill me up buttercup

The answer is I scrap first and pick my pictures last. On to today’s Photoshop tutorial! I am often asked about the pictures that I scrap, in fact, it is one of THE top questions I am asked! Many of you want to know if I pick the pictures first or do I scrap first. Thank you for making this country what it is today and for helping to maintain the principles that our forefathers set out for us so long ago. In honor of all those young men and women who have laid down their lives today, and in honor of the women who raised these young men and women to sign up for service to their country, I just want to say “Thank you”. It takes someone very special to willingly go into battle and to be willing to sacrifice his or her life for our freedom! I will be the first to tell you it was not a service that I ever wanted for my child, but now I see its purpose and I am truly humbled that I raised a young man with that ability to sacrifice. Good Morning to all you scrappy folks! Hope you are having a fabulous Memorial Day! We are laying low today, remembering the men and women who have fought and died for our country and also celebrating the good news that my son will be joining those forces sometime soon! I honestly can tell you that I never thought I could be so proud of a child! I mean, as my first child, his birth was incredible his graduation made me feel relieved…we made it with nothing bad happening and at the top of his class! But the day that he decided to join the Navy (and the day that I finally overcame my fear of him joining the Navy) was truly one of the proudest moments of my life.

So fill me up buttercup